Sunday, November 7, 2010

Unit 167 - Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes:
Element 1
Maintain effective personal hygiene when working with food as per establishment requirements.
  • Wear clean clothing and footwear and contain hair
  • Remove jewelery
  • Remove nail enamel
  • Wash hands and nails between different food products and tasks
  • Wash hands after any unhygienic activity
  • Prepare food in a hygienic manner
  • Store food using safe hygienic practises 
Learning Activities:Element One
Personal hygiene:
Staff  working with food should ensure that they maintain a high standard of personal hygiene, especially with regard to their bodies, clothing and footwear. This includes being aware of the key areas of the body, clothing and footwear which harbour bacteria

Activity One (PC 1.1 - 1.2) due date (1week)

Fill in the table below
Key area of concern
Fill in this column describing the importance of each of the key areas of concern regarding personal hygiene. List any routine that you would use to prevent contamination from these areas.





Washing your hands:
As bacteria live in and on the human body, it is important that food handlers avoid unhygienic activities that could spread these bacteria further. This requires the food handler to clean their nails regularly and wash their hands after any unhygienic activity.

List at least five occasions where unhygienic activity requires that a food handler must wash their hands.

Skin cuts and open wounds, are effectively covered (PC 1.3)

Study this photograph and post your answers
1      Why would you wear a band-aid if you cut yourself or have an open wound?
2      Which band-aid would you wear if you cut yourself and why did you choose this band-aid?
3      What else would you wear on your hand once you have applied a band-aid?
4      This food handler is wearing an accessory what is it?

Activity Two (PC 1.1) due date (2 weeks)
  • In this activity you are required to demonstrate effective personal hygiene when working with food. Demonstrate your current practice via a short video (less than 5 minutes) showing your food handling uniform, hands and nails and your procedure for washing of hands.
  • Upload to utube and post your link on this blog.
  • As part of this assessment criteria you are required to watch two other class members videos' and critique their uniform, hands, nails and hand washing washing procedure.

Element 2
Prevent cross contamination in a food business.
  • Clean and sanitise all work surfaces and areas
  • Ensure food ingredients are sound and fresh
  • Store food ingredients safely
  • Work in a safe and hygienic manner
Activity Three (PC 2.1) due date (1 week)  
Learning Activities:Element Two
Watch the video "preventing cross contamination - best practises for correct cleaning" and answer the following questions.

1) Explain the cleaning procedures of work surfaces for food preparation and list the associated cleaning agents.
2) What do you think is the difference is between cleaning and sanitising?
3) Why do you think it is recommended to wear disposable gloves whilst cleaning? 

Element 3
Measure, record and act on temperature of high risk food.
  • Identify critical limits of time and temperature of high risk foods
  • Measure and record critical limits of high risk food
  • Take corrective action when critical limits are not met 

Activity four (PC 1.5,3.1,3.2) due date (1 week)
This is activity is to help you cover some of  the material you need for the practical assessment.

Practical Activity Task

Using The New Zealand Chef choose a sandwich that contains high risk foods (Protein).

List the ingredients to use in your sandwich. 
    Identify what you are going to do to ensure that these ingredients are not contaminated whilst you are handling them. List them in steps.    
      Practical Demonstration:Element Three
      This activity will be undertaken face to face in a 3 hour practical demonstration, this includes the unit standard written assessment.
      There are three practicals held per semester.
      Please contact customer services on  (0800 762 786) to confirm attendance and registration. 
      The practical assessment involves preparing, presenting, cooling, storage and recording temperatures of all food items used in a given time frame while demonstrating and all food safety and personal hygiene requirements under current and subsequent food safety legislation.

      Revision Activity
      Element 1: Maintain effective personal hygiene when working with food as per establishment requirements
      Element 2: demonstrate knowledge of prevention of cross contamination in a food business
      Element 3: Measure, record and act on temperature of high risk foods.

      Q1 - You have cut yourself with a knife while preparing vegetables. The cut is minor and stops bleeding quickly. You have dripped some blood onto the chopping board. Describe what you should do with the cut, the knife, the chopping and the vegetables (PC 1.3)
      • Cut:
      • Knife and chopping board:
      • Vegetables:      
      Q2 - Explain what you should do if you have a very heavy cold and have been scheduled to work (PC1.4)

      3. Q3 - You are at work and have been preparing a potato dish. You felt fine when you started work and you develop a stomach ache. When you go to the toilet you find you have diarrhoea (runny stool). Explain what you should do next. (PC 1.4)
      4. Q4 - Name three illnesses (apart from a cold or diarrhoea) that will prevent you from working with food. (PC 1.4)
      5. Q5 -   Describe what you should do if the following pests have infested your workplace. (PC 2.4)
      a)      Cockroaches and rats or mice
      b)      Dogs and birds
      6 Q6 - Complete the following table by filling the correct temperatures (PC 3.1)

      Food item

      Chilled raw mince should be stored in the fridge at this temperature.

      Internal temperature of cooked whole chicken.

      Reheated vegetarian quiche should be heated to this temperature to be safe to eat.

        Q7 - What is the maximum amount of time high risk food can be in the temperature danger zone? (PC 3.1)
      8.Q8 - You check the temperature of the freezer at work. The temperature reading is -10°C. You re-check the temperature and it is still -10°C. explain what your next steps should be (PC 3.3)

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